COVID-19 coverage

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, there is literally no travel insurance plan in the Philippines that cover COVID-19. To comply with the requirements, Starr created a travel insurance plan that includes COVID-19 medical coverage.

Travel insurance policy by Starr International Insurance Philippines

Do travel insurance companies in the Philippines cover COVID-19?

2023 Update: Yes, there are numerous insurance companies that added COVID-19 cover benefits to their travel insurance products.

Previously, most travel insurance plans will cover you the usual - accident & disablement, travel delay, baggage loss or delay or even theft cases. It may also have medical expense coverage but COVID-19 may not be covered.


pandemic travel personal effects








Since COVID already has countless studies globally, a number of insurance companies offering travel insurance have already started adding COVID-19 coverage. These types of travel insurance plans can can protect you from COVID-19 medical expenses in case you acquire the disease outside the Philippines.


COVID-19 Travel Insurance - General Information

General information for travel insurance policies purchased from a non-life insurance company based in the Philippines.


What your travel insurance policy with COVID-19 should cover:

  • Travel medical expenses for COVID-19 treatment 
    • Must be diagnosed positive while traveling outside the Philippines
    • Evidence of hospitalization may be required
    • Direct settlement arrangement of medical expenses are available, depending on the insruance company


What your travel insurance policy with COVID-19 genearlly does not cover:

Unless specifically specified, the following are not covered by the COVID-19 travel insurance:

  • Travel cancellations due to COVID-19
  • Quarantine expenses


First company to provide travel insurance with COVID-19 cover

One of the first insurance companies to include COVID-19 coverage in the region during this pandemic is Starr Insurance Companies. Starr is highly rated by AM Best, a credit rating agency focused in the insurance industry.

Starr and Assist Card Travel Insurance Philippines

In the Philippines, Starr International is the first insurance company to add COVID-19 coverage to the medical expense coverage of its travel insurance products.

Other insurance companies followed suit. This 2023 there are now a couple of insurance companies that included COVID-19 in its travel medical insurance plans. 

Starr travel insurance provides travel health insurance with COVID-19 cover. In case the insured is diagnosed positive while traveling outside the Philippines, the treatment for COVID-19 will be covered by the insurance policy.

Starr is also the parent company of Assist Card, a global travel insurance and assistance company.


Want to buy Starr or Assist Card travel insurance?

Request a quote by sending us a message.



How to get travel insurance with COVID coverage

To see your Starr TraveLead and Assist Card travel insurance with COVID-19 medical expense coverage options, kindly provide the traveler's:

    • Age
    • Destination
    • Travel dates (or duration of travel) 

You may send it via message here. We will respond through email.

You may also chat us or leave a message through Facebook.



apply travel insurance, application form




Starr's COVID-19 travel insurance provisions

Starr and Assist Card's travel medical insurance coverage for COVID-19 cases

The policy will cover medical expense in connection with or in any way involving or arising from any infectious disease, whether asymptomatic or not, sever acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus disease (COVID-19), including any variation thereof, or Pandemic or epidemic as declared as such by the World Health Organization or any government authority. COVID-19 coverage limit may vary upon approval of underwriting.

Other conditions of Starr TraveLead and Assist Card travel insurance with COVID-19 cover

  • Insured person diagnosed with COVID-19 after arrival back to the Philippines is NOT covered
  • Evidence of hospitalization for medical treatment of COVID-19 is must be presented for claims reimbursement evaluation.




Any loss resulting from the following are NOT COVERED:

  • Flight cancellations due to COVID19 restrictions or government imposed regulations
  • Re-booking charges for cancelling flights due to COVID-19 infection at the planned destination are not covered
  • Denial of entry upon arrival within itinerary whether pre-departure from origin point, in-transit at connection points, or at final destination.
  • Change of travel decision due to fear of COVID-19 infection during pre-departure, at connecting points, or at final destination.



Benefits of having insurance with COVID coverage

COVID-19 medical insurance

When the dreaded event comes that you turn out positive of COVID-19, your travel insurance policy will cover medical expenses for your treatment of the coronavirus disease. Depending on the effect of COVID-19 to your body, if your symptomps are severe and you are needed to be brought to a medical facility, treatment can potientially cost you hundreds of thousands of Pesos. If you are hospitalized in a developed country like in the US or UK, where medical costs are a lot more expensive than here in the Philippines, it may even cost you millions.


Advantages of buying a travel insurance policy in the Philippines

While Starr and Assist Card have regional offices all around the globe, they also operate offices in Makati City. When the unfortunate strikes while you're away, you know the insurer has presence at your home country.

Unless you are planning to leave the Philippines for good, a travel insurance plan for the localized market is always a great option. There's no language barrier also, in case you need some support.



Receive travel insurance policy safely

When you purchase either Starr or Assist Card travel insurance, you will a Travel insurance policy + COVID-19 medical cover add-on rider


travel insurance policy bought in the Philippines in an airport in Japan










Apply and receive the policy through e-mail.



Need travel insurance with COVID-19 cover?

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The coverages indicated in this page are for informational purposes. Coverages and benefits are subject to conditions, warranties and exclusions which are indicated in the insurance policy wordings. Please contact us if you have questions.