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Travel Insurance in the Philippines 

Compare travel insurance plans from various companies in the Philippines

If you are from the Philippines, you have the option inquire in this website or from your local agent. - Philippines' online travel insurance storeTravel Insurance Philippines is an insurance agency focusing on helping travelers find the right insurance coverage they need. We aim to help people needing travel insurance get the coverage they need safely and conveniently. 

Adapting to post-pandemic travel, its mission remains the same: help travelers find the right travel insurance they need safely, and easily.


Travel Insurance with COVID coverage

In the Philippines, these are the first travel insurance plans that included COVID-19 coverage for single-trip international travels:

  • Starr
  • Assist Card



Travel medical insurance for Schengen visa application should have minimum 30,000 Euros medical coverage and insurer must be recognized or accredited by the Schengen countries.



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